Tuesday, December 25, 2007

How To Get Maximum Out Of Your Blog Post

Internet users who have great desires to produce and publish their own private Internet page have to become educated about some important strategies that will help make it profitable and attractive to public audiences. In many cases, people have never designed a web site before and lack the experience that it takes to produce a popular web page that will generate a source of income. With a little bit of knowledge and education, however, first time web page designer will be able to create Internet sites that will help make them a lot of money.

Probably one of the simplest kinds of Internet pages to produce is called a blog, which basically shares topical information with Internet users. Blogs have become very popular throughout the last few years and the number of blogs that are published on the Internet each year continues to increase at a quick rate of speed. There are many things that blog owners have to consider if they want to be successful both financially and socially.

The primary objective of all blog producers should be to decide precisely how to build up the number of Internet guest traffic to the actual Internet site. One of the best ways of increasing traffic flow is through the effective use of search engines, which publish and advertise the most popular web sites on the Internet. In order to get a search engine to put your particular web site at the top of a visitor’’s search, there are a couple of things that must be done.

The most important part for Internet page producers to remember is the quality of the web page’’s content and what is published on it. The quality and effectiveness of a web site’’s content will determine if the online business is recognized by large search engines and therefore increase its amount of traffic flow. There are a few techniques that web site designers can use to increase their popularity to both search engines and Internet users.

Internet users should also remember that the type of text on an Internet page is very important. If you want your blog to be promoted by search engines, web page writers should use certain key words that visitors use to search the Internet. The titles and subtitles of the blog posts should also be carefully written so that it will have a higher probability of being promoted by search engines.

With each web page post that you produce on the Internet, it has to be very long and contain at least two hundred words. This allows search engines to pick up more of the keywords that Internet users will be looking for and will then link to your specific blog site. If your blog posts are too short, then there will not be enough information for the search engines to share with other people.

An additional and other crucial method that you can follow in order to get all you can out of your blog post is to attract the visitor’’s attention with your writing and also to give room for comments and debate. Provide your readers with articles that will make them want to say something and respond on your blog. The more responses and comments that are published on your blog the more popular it will become and more people will want to visit it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Most Useful Adsense Tools

Contextual Ads Preview/Comparison Tool
This tool is helpful in comparing AdSense ads to those of other advertisement vendors (Chitika, Yahoo). You also have the ability to customize the colors and view what ads a certain URL would be likely to display. It's a pretty solid tool when planning what type of advertisements you want to put on your page (especially if you are trying to decide which vendor to sign up with).
The Blacklist basically gives you a list of AdWord publishers that have very low payouts. It is a fact that ad space is valuable-- I would rather fill my ad space with 3 publishers offering $0.50 per click than 3 publishers offering 1 or 2 cents. By providing a list of provider domains to avoid, you can filter your ads and have a greater chance of having high-paying publisher ads displayed on your site. According its website, Blacklist works by:
"...providing you with list of most commonly filtered websites whose webmasters use AdWords to attract visitors for low price click so they can convert it to high price click on their own MFA (Made for AdSense) site(s). In order to STOP these type of actions going on your sites, all you need to do is to paste our specially generated list to your AdSense Setup -> Competitive Ad Filter list. Your revenue should substantially increase."
Nuff said.
AdSense Calculator
This is one of my favorite tools-- it allows you to quickly calculate how much you can make given daily impressions, CTR, and CPC. Although it’s certainly easy to calculate the values yourself, this is a resource you can use to quickly get that info. It computes daily, monthly, and yearly data for both clicks and earnings.
From their website:
"It also serves as a tool that will allow Google AdSense users to take their current statistics and get an idea of how much they can expect to see daily, monthly and yearly. As well as those who are considering implementing AdSense on their site what results they are likely to see."
For those out there who like to speculate ("hmmm, if I had 3000 impressions and a CTR of 2% and average CPC of 30 cents, what could I make...?") this is THE tool for you-- quick, simple, and easy to use.
AdSense Sandbox
"This is a handy little utility if you would like to see what sort of Google AdSense ads are based on content or keywords. "
This tool lets you see LOTS of ads that Adsense may be displaying on a site. Why is this good? Simply put, you can look at ads that show up for your competitor's site. And why is THAT good? You can use it to help out your own ad campaign.
For example, I know Plenty of Fish (the free dating site with the ugly site design) makes a TON of money from ads. Since my site, UpHook, is in the same general category, I can look at what ads are showing up for them and see if those same sites show up on mine. If not, then I know I'm not really competing against them; and I also know that their ads are probably worth more per-click than my ads. In addition, this also gives me a list of what websites I may be competing against. And keeping an eye on one's competition is a smart move.
Adsense Preview Tool (explorer)
This tool is very similar to the Sandbox. The difference is that you can generate a preview of what ads may be displayed on a page much easier. Rather than visiting a website, you can bring up a pop-up window full of ad samples by right clicking and selecting the preview tool from the pop-up window.
The upside: It's easy to access and gives good information (see Tool #7)
The downside: It's for Internet Explorer
Adsense Notifier (firefox)
This is an invaluable too for OC people who check adsense stats every 5 minutes. Checking adsense habitually is a painful process—its like watching grass grow. But this handy little extension makes it less of a headache. The Notifier can sit in the bottom of your browser window and displays whatever stats you want-- total clicks, daily earnings, impressions, CTR, etc. Wondering if you made any more money yet? You can find out with a quick glance. It’s highly configurable and can save you bunch of time.
Competitive Ads Filter
Now we're getting to the heavy hitters. This tool is actually part of the Adsense setup manager, so you have to already have an AdSense account to use it. You can use the ad filter to block specific ads from appearing on your pages. Simply give the filter a list of URLs and they are effectively prevented from displaying on your site/blog. This can be useful for a few reasons:
1- You can prevent competition form advertising on your site. This could directly benefit from you by helping to ensure that people stay on your site and not jump on the first ad offering the same thing your site does. Due to the targeted-advertisement nature of AdSense, if you have a service site there is a good chance that your competition will have ads showing up on your site all the time. For example, all the ads that show up on my site (free personals, etc) are for other sites offering dating and personals and matchmaking, etc. For some people this is bad-- but for others it can be a good thing.
2- You can prevent irrelevant ads from being displayed. I mentioned this in a previous blog post-- there are some cases where you want to get rid of ads that don't really correlate well with your site content. Remember, AdSense is just a software system-- it tries to determine what ads to serve up based on some site content. There is a chance that it can guess wrong. And when that happens, you can use the filter to help correct things. Have a site about dogs being cooler than cats but AdSense shows a bunch of ads about pro-cat books? Just chug the bogus cat sites into the filter and you'll be all set.
3- You can block publishers that have low-paying ads. This is helpful in making sure you get the best value for your space. Using the Blacklist tool to get a list of low-paying publishers and plugging their domains into your competitive ads filter can quite possibly earn you more money in the long run.
These are all good uses for the filter, however, there is a drawback to using this tool-- if you are trying to filter entire groups of content by using the filter, you will only see temporary results. As more sites pop up, you will likely have to keep updating the filter. This is why this tool is best suited for blocking sites that are in direct competition with yours.
Word Tracker
I know some people who swear by this tool. Although you have to sign up to get unlimited access to the service, the trial will probably give provide enough useful information for you to enhance your AdSense experience. Word Tracker pretty much tells you how often people search for a specific keyword. It can also estimate how many competing sites use those keywords. This is probably the best tool to use before deciding what content to include on your page. If there are a lot of competitors, it may be better to target one of the less-searched-for words. Chances are, you will be able to get indexed higher in a search engine for those terms as opposed to going head-to-head with the competition for the popular words.
Obviously, this can drive traffic to your site. Users are more likely to visit matches that show up within the first 2 or 3 pages of a Google search than they are to visit matches on page 87. Why not opt for being indexed in the first 1-50 matches? Sure, you will get less searches overall, but you will be much more visible.
According to their website:
"Wordtracker helps website owners and search engine marketers identify keywords and phrases that are relevant to their or their client's business and most likely to be used as queries by search engine visitors."
This tool is can be used for things other than AdSense. However, it just so happens that popular search keywords are also popular AdSense keywords. Go figure.
Overture Bidding Tool
This tool gives you both suggested keywords AND sample bid amounts given a target word. Although Overture is NOT the same as AdSense, the keywords are almost the same as those suggested when signing up for an AdSense account. In addition, I've found that the bids listed are pretty darn close to those offered by AdWords publishers. Using this tool, it would be trivial to build a list of high-paying keywords that you would want to make sure you use in your content.
If you ensure that mostly high-paying ads are displayed on your site, you will be getting the most out of your ad space. Think about it-- a user isn’t going to know how much each ad is worth before they click it. They are likely to click on almost any ad that appeals to them. Why not make sure that those ads will pay the most money? Using the Overture bidding tool to get other suggested keywords is also useful-- however, be careful not to saturate your page content with a bunch of keywords. This can make your site/blog look tacky. A few here and there should be enough for the AdSense spider to throw up high-paying ads. Combined with the Blacklist, this is an excellent tool to use as an alternative to the AdWords Bidding Tool.
AdWords Bidding Tool/Traffic Estimator
This is probably the most useful tool out there. The only drawback is that you must have an AdWords account to get access to the information. I would suggest getting AdWords anyway, since it gives you a good idea of what publishers go through and what options they have when creating ads.
This bidding tool is THE resource for figuring out what keywords result in the highest paying AdSense ads. It's quite possible that all those pages and blogs that list the Top X-number of highest paying AdSense keywords use the bidding information found through AdWords or Overture. As a site/blog owner, its important to know what words you might want to emphasize in your content.
The traffic estimator will take a set of keywords and tell you the estimated average CPC based on current publisher bidding statistics. Knowing that the estimated CPC of my keywords can pull ads paying between $3 and $8 on average, I know that I am in a very good position to make money from my AdSense advertising. Although these CPCs are average values, and I'm sure Google will only show those ads on very well-performing sites, it at least lets me know what I have to look forward to when I start bringing in a larger amount of traffic.

Google AdSense: Google’s Information and Tools

  • Google AdSense FAQ
    the Adsense support for official guidelines.
  • Google AdSense Help Page provides a very detailed FAQ about Google AdSense. Learn optimization essentials, how to design successful ads, savvy ad placement and how to use features wisely.
  • Google Adsense Program Policies.
  • Google AdSense Ad Formats
    an overview.
  • Google AdSense Success Stories provided by Google itself. Many interesting insights in concrete decisions, which helped to increase Google AdSense revenues.
  • Google AdWords: Keyword-Tool
    The Keyword Tool generates potential keywords for your ad campaign and reports their Google statistics, including search performance and seasonal trends. Start your search by entering your own keyword phrases or a specific URL. You can then add new keywords to the green box at the right.


Related Articles  

Things You Should know about Google Adsense 

Boosting Your return From Adsense

Things You Should Know About Google AdSense

  • “AdSense Earning = Impression-count x Click-though-rate x Cost-per-click x smart-pricing-factor. Viewing your on website will not get you banned. Just make sure you don’t click on the ads.
  • However, repeatedly reload your page to jack up page impressions can get you banned. Click-through-rate (CTR) is ratio of clicks per impressions. It can range from 0.1% to 30%, but most commonly around 1% to 10%.”
  • First impressions count: make sure the ad unit with the highest CTR is the first ad unit in the HTML code of your page. Keep in mind that the first ad unit in the source code is not always the first ad unit that your users will see when the page finishes loading in their browser.”
  • Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page. on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the editorial content tend to perform very well.”
  • Format is important for multiple ad units, display your ad units where repeat users will notice them, place a leaderboard immediately after the last post.”
  • The middle, above the fold location performs the best. Best performing ad format is the large rectangle, 336×280. So the wider ad formats are doing better than the other ones and the reason is that they actually take up fewer lines. And so with every additional line, you have a chance of losing that interested user.
  • So the wider formats do best so specifically, the top three formats are the 336×280 that you see on the page; the 300×250 medium rectangle; and then the 160×600 wide skyscraper.
  • We have a feature in the AdSense account where you are able to multi-select different color palettes that blend with your site to add some variety and freshness to the ads. And that also will help decrease ad blindness.”
  • “The second most active placement in terms of click-throughs tends to be the right-hand rail or margin”. “Skyscrapers” and vertical banners do well when placed next to the content in the main body. Square and rectangle ads placed within the center column also do well, provided they are placed in context to the content. Ads placed below the fold tend to perform least well, although that isn’t a hard-and-fast rule.”
  • “I found the most success in placing the Google Adsense medium rectangle either right in the middle of the page or in a middle right column as long as it has content above and below the ad unit. Its is fine to use Adsense Ads on a forum however expect a very low CTR.”
  • “Post Adsense ads on text rich pages, avoid titles like the approved ‘Sponsored Links’ and ‘Advertisements’, place Ads above the fold, Match the colors of your ads with the colour scheme of your site, Blend ads with your page - remove the borders by having a similar color as your background.”
  • “To remove Public Service Ads (PSA) in Google Adsense develop sufficient good content with keywords, Ensure that META tags like ‘title’ & ‘description’ and the headings tags like h1, h2 etc. have content which matches the rest of your site.”
  • “You can now run AdSense on the same page as other contextual ad programs.” (January 2007)
  • “Google AdSense Policy: We ask that publishers not line up images and ads in a way that suggests a relationship between the images and the ads.”
  • “Section targeting uses certain html tweaks to force the google adsense bot to focus on specific content. Section targeting is the latest and most effective addition to AdSense”.
  • “Over the weekend, I decided to change the number of ads units on my blog based upon where the traffic is coming from. I have a small PHP function that checks to see if the referrer is a search engine, and if it is, I display and additional 2 ad units. My Adsense revenue increasing by 284% on Saturday, Sunday and Monday!”
  • Never click your own adsense ads or get them clicked for whatever reason. Never change the Adsense code. Do not run competitive contextual text ad (2006) or search services on the same site. Do not mask ad elements. Avoid excessive advertising and keyword stuffing.”
  • “Putting ads on your site won’t hurt your traffic. There are 6 sorts of bloggers’ income: Google Adsense, Donations (e.g. PayPal), Text Link Ads (sold for a fixed amount per month), Chitika eMiniMalls ads (pay per click), affiliate programs like Amazon, Advertising sold to individual advertisers (three-month campaigns or longer)
  • “A number of factors come into play when AdSense tries to determine what the page is about: The URL of the page, the page title, the anchor text of links, the keywords that appear most frequently within the page, search engine queries that lead to the page or to another page that links to the page”.
  • “Ask yourself if you are willing to compromise your blog’s layout and over-all feel by adding ads in them. Look at your traffic and see if it’s enough to draw the crowd. Make good use of the Ad Channels. Give it time.”
  • You can put upto 3 AdSense units on a page. For short articles, CTR is best when ads are placed just above the content. For long articles, CTR improves if ads are placed somewhere in middle of the content. Go Wide - the large rectangle 336×280 is the best paying adsense format.”
  • “Google AdSense folks have unveiled another useful feature for Adsense publishers - Section Targeting. The concept is simple but the advantages and possibilities are endless.”

Original Blog Content ===== Successful blogging

One of the key factor for blogging is content. Writing content for blog is a pretty tedious task. And what makes a blog successful is because of the ability of the blogger to come up with interesting content for its readers, which not only search engines like it also keep bringing readers back to your blog. Excellent blog content stands your blog from the crowd. Below I have made a list of few things which will help you to be a successful blogger.

Blogging is exciting and fun. When you start a blog you will have great ideas and fully motivated and inspired to start it. But after a while you may lose interest and focus and slowly your blog dies. There are few aspects for finding content for your blog.


Find inspiration to write blog posts – This is very important try to come with original blog content. Which is quite hard if you are starting out new? If you have passion about what you know and what you like is a great source for inspiration to write a blog posts. My passion is Blogging, Make money online, Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click Management and Article writing. So I draw inspiration to write about this subject easily without doing much research. I read about this subject every day which it is a good source to write about it.

Breaking News – If you are passionate about your industry you will be getting news about the latest things happening in that industry this is a great source for blog content. You can get this latest news via RSS feeds and email newsletter about what’s going on in your niche. The key for releasing latest news is, you need to be first to announce on your blog, earlier the better. Suppose a certain news is out in your niche and you blog about it after a week is not good and your readers would have already heard about this from other source and you blogs popularity will come down and also your credibility in that niche.

Niche Forums - Forums are good source for blog content, If you visit your niche forum you can find threads discussing about certain topics in your industry. That thread can be a good source for blog content. Also linking to the forum thread can increase the credibility of your blog as well.

Article Directories – Article directories can be a good source too to find blog content, I often use to visit ezinearticles.com to draw some ideas about blog content writing. Reading articles on article directories can bring you ideas on what to write related to your industry.

Visit Blogs in your niche – This is good idea if you are running out of ideas to write blog content. Visiting other bloggers posts can create inspiration in writing interesting blog posts which you have never thought about. It is always good to get linked to that blog posts from where it draws inspiration to write.

The bottom-line is write interesting blog posts which makes your readers to stick to your blog.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Boosting your return from Adsense

Boosting your return from Adsense can be done very easily and quickly, and you'll be amazed by the results.

The first thing involves making only a few simple changes to the format and positioning of your Adsense ads. Forget about using banners or skyscrapers. They don't work as well as other formats.

1. Use the 250 x 250 rectangle format 2. Make the background color of the ad the same as the background color of your site, or as close to it as possible. 3. Make the ads borderless by setting the border color to be the same as the background color of the ad.

These changes can be made by logging into your Adsense account and creating a custom format. Just select the 250 x 250 ad format, and create a custom color palette. Use the color picker to pick the coor you want. The Javascript is automatically generated at the foot of the page, ready for you to copy and paste into the pages on your site.

Now, you need to position your ads where surfers are most likely to click on them. Research using retina scanning technology has shown that the place that surfers tend to look at first and most often is the top left. I don't know the reasons for this, perhaps it's because that's where we're used to seeing the most useful search engine results (at the top of the rankings) and search engines are the sites we most often visit, so we automatically look at the same place on other sites.

Whatever the reasoning, as soon as I made the above changes to my Adsense ads, clickthrough rates doubled, immediately.

You can also place ads within the text with 468X60 ad format.

A new technique is Adlinks. Adlinks can be placed near the top of the page and will look like links within your site. This makes it very tempting to click. This displays a series of links on your page in the same style of Ad unit as regular Adsense ads. When a user clicks a link they are taken to a page of adverts that resembles regular Google search results. As a publisher, you are paid every time a user clicks one of those ads.

Most Adlinks get about a 25% higher CTR then regular Adsense ads. There's no clear reason for this but one explanation may lie in the fact that clicking on an Adlink takes the user to page of 'results'. When a user clicks on one of these, you are paid for the click. If the user finds what they want, great, if not, it seems that they hit the Back button on their browser and try again, just as you would for normal search engine results. Then they click on another result, and you get paid again. So it's possible to be paid more than once from the same Adlink click. Now, this reasoning is speculative, but it does make perfect sense in the light of my Adlinks results.

So if you take some time making a few adjustments to the Adsense ads on your sites, you can very quickly treble your Adsense income. Give it a go, you'll be amazed by the results.

What the most profitable Adsense Websites Do

Webmasters who own some of the most profitable Adsense web sites on the net know a thing or two that the rest of us mortals do not know.

How else would you explain the huge difference in Adsense earnings between two web sites with more or less the same traffic? Or to look at it from another angle, have you wondered how many of the most profitable Adsense web sites report an amazing jump in Adsense income over a very short period of time? What did they discover that made such a huge difference?

The answer to this question will disappoint most. We are usually looking for one magic key that revolutionized everything. The truth I that when web masters of the most profitable Adsense web sites talk about optimizing their sites for Adsense, what they mean is many small changes whose impact is discovered through numerous little tests that they constantly carry out. It sounds like a lot of hard work and actually it is. How else would you expect to create a most profitable Adsense web site? By using some mysterious magic formula? Or by sitting back and waiting for things to happen? Life is definitely not like that. The whole exercise calls for some effort on your part but it is all very much worth everything you will have to put into it because a most profitable Adsense web site can put lost of money in your pocket for years.

To maximize your daily Adsense cash revenue

Finding the right technique or strategy to maximize your daily Adsense cash revenue is vital to your achieving healthy monthly Adsense revenues on a consistent basis.

The most effective techniques for high daily Adsense cash creation must involve both traffic generation and the use of the highest paying Adsense keyword phrases in your particular industry or field.

Many times you will find that the same keyword phrases that will attract the highest paying daily Adsense cash ads will also pull in significant traffic from leading search engines, meaning that your technique can aim at hitting two birds with the same stone. Many online entrepreneurs are constantly short of time and an advantage like this can always make a major impact in their overall efficiency of operations and in total earnings from online activity.

In most cases you will find that your high yielding Adsense keyword phrases are two to three words in length. Many times I have discovered that by adding an appropriate fourth word to the keyword phrase, I am able to open the floodgates of traffic via leading search engines while at the same time remaining in contention for those valuable ads that make all the difference. This is a technique for daily Adsense cash that I have found to be highly effective.

The biggest mistake that most of google adsense users do

The biggest mistake that most of google adsense users do is to make their ads as ads. You won’t get higher revenue by letting visitors realize which one is your content and which ones are the ads. You will absolutely waste your time in writing contents if you don’t want to pay attention to this issue.

The best way to boost your AdSense clickthrough rate is to stop thinking of the ads as ads. People doesn’t like ads, actually they hate them. So what do we have to do here is to make our ads blended with our content, let the visitor think that your ads is part of your content.

Here are some tips to make your ads to be part of your content:

- Never use the standard Google colour scheme. Click standardization to read more about ads format to boost your earnings in Adsense.

- Get a picture in your mind of what the most typical ads look like on the web then create your AdSense ads so that they are exactly the opposite

- Ads are garish creatures that like to be bright, loud and stand out in a crowd. We all know this. So making your AdSense ads exactly the opposite means they can 'sneak under the radar'

- Try to place your ads in the middle of your content. Visitor will think your ads as one door must entered in order to read more about your content.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Blog Generators


BlogToRank is one of the most user friendly and powerful auto blogging tools I've ever had the pleasure of using. Here's a quick overview of the BlogToRank Suitez, a weapon so powerful, you might begin to think you're sitting inside a tank.

BlogToRank Main Desktop Application

The main desktop application which allows control over: your blog accounts, content, keywords, RSS content, schedules and several more minor parameters. Once you're ready, just sit back and blow things up...erm, let it automatically post to your blogs everyday! You can tend to get over excited by how easily you will get this up and running and working for you.

BlogToRank Server Side

As you should know, the desktop application runs on your PC. But if your PC were to shutdown or you experienced a power failure, your blogs would suddenly cease to be updated. No good, right? So, BlogToRank Server Side can reside on one of your servers and will take control of the profiles configured on your desktop in the event of a shutdown. This way, you're hustling 24/7, regardless of whether your PC remains on or off!

BlogToRank RSS Grabber

Finding the right RSS feed for BlogToRank to grab from can be a tedious task. So the developers came up with this useful tool that allows you to search for RSS feeds based on a keyword search. This saves me tons of time and keeps my blogs filled with only the most relevant content all the time.

BlogToRank BlogMazz

BlogMazz is a special stand-alone add-on which allows you to create massive amounts of WordPress blogs without the dreaded task of having to worry about setting up your cPanel, MySQL or even BlogToRank itself! Once you complete a few simple steps, you can start blowing things up...erm, start to blog on a massive scale!

BlogToRank Blogger Creator

Blogger Creator is a Blogger account creator. Create a lot of Blogger accounts very quickly for use with BlogToRank to fill up your Blogger accounts in minutes.

Doorway Pages

While similar to cloaking methods, doorway pages are not hidden from the user. Instead its main objective is to get you to the ad page by either redirecting you straight away or by tricking you into clicking a link that takes you where we want you to go.

By creating a ton of doorwaypages, this method requires spamming the search engine with a lot of them in the hopes that a funnel gets built that guides traffic right into the ads pages (shown in the diagram below).

If you ask me, cloaking is the next generation of doorway pages. Cloaking basically displays all those doorway pages to search engines and lets the software redirect traffic to the profit page without ever losing it.

Doorway Pages,

While similar to cloaking methods, doorway pages are not hidden from the user. Instead its main objective is to get you to the ad page by either redirecting you straight away or by tricking you into clicking a link that takes you where we want you to go.

PLR Contents

So how do we create a massive website that is extremely readable and will pass a daunting human test? Well, we need something called Private Label Rights articles or contents. PLR contents are articles which you can manipulate and call your own work. These are extremely hot items right now. A lot of people take PLR articles and do what is referred to by insiders as "spinning,which is the process of rewriting the article enough to make it unique in the eyes of the search engines. Of course, this can be automated the right software.

Foreign Language in Website

Think global. Who says you can only earn money from articles written in English? You might be interested in knowing that I actually make a lot of money from non-English content as well!

Here's a test: Quickly, name the top three search engines in the world.

You may have come up with something like: Google, Yahoo, and MSN, or something similar. But you are dead wrong if you did!

So? Translate your content into Chinese and get it indexed! Korea, Japan and Spain also all have gigantic, growing foreign language markets to make money in!

There are many language translation plug-ins available on the market for wordpress blogs or standard web pages. Translation software usually connects to one of 3 translation services (listed below) and can do real time translation for you.

• Google Translate (http://Google.com/translate)

• Yahoo! (http://babelfish.yahoo.com/)

• Altavista Babelbish (http://babelfish.altavista.com)

Alternatively to that method, you can get SYSTRAN desktop software to do translation for you offline. The three translation websites listed above, all run SYSTRAN technology, by the way.

Now, to take this technique one-step further to create a fail-safe way of making money in foreign markets is by including the original English-based content right after the foreign language content on the same page.

Why does that help? Because sometimes AdSense fails to come up with relevant ads in strictly foreign language pages and ends up displaying nothing at all! The simple reason for this is that there are much less advertisers in foreign languages. So by including the English version on the page, regardless of the actual foreign language content, your angle is now fail-proofed.

In final, what I've learned about the foreign language experiment is that, even though there are not that many ads in any given particular foreign language, people still click on them. My theory for this is that the translated text is probably butchered, and since the ads would become the only properly structured content on the page, naturally, they click it.

The Art of Synonymizing

"Synonymizing" is a process of replacing a word with a synonym. This maintains sentence structure in the most efficient way. Still it is not fool proof as there is no doubt that Google is developing a way to detect the process I've just described. In fact, I would not be surprised whatsoever if they already have an "anti-algorithm" to somewhat suppress the virtual mass of duplicated content, filling up the internet and the Google index, at such as staggering rate.

In fact, if they don't have one, they better get one soon as, to them, the problem has to be considered very dangerous. Imagine a scenario where, with the development of its revolutionary "relevance" technology both in serving ads and in indexing the web as a whole, Google, now fattened from it's billion dollar profits, sits idly by and watches as it's search engine becomes, well, irrelevant.

Not likely. But if ever it was to happen to the darling of today's Internet, it would be remembered as nothing short of a Shakespearean blunder on the grandest scale.

Now, as BlackHatters we are nonetheless innovators in our own right. Synonymizing, when used in conjunction with the ingenious Markov Chain, produces amazingly effective results and it will only continue to be refined as time goes on.

Content in Adsense

It should come as no surprise at this point that, content is of the utmost importance as it relates to AdSense monetization. Constant attention needs to paid towards your content, regardless of the kind of website your are running. Content can and will affect the following parameters:

• Ranking on Search Engines.

• Time it takes to get indexed and ranked by search engine bots.

• Overall visibility over long periods of time.

Understanding how the search engines rank your content is crucial to orchestrating your attack on them. While proprietary information not made public, there are strong indications that Google, and possibly other search engines, judge web content using a method based on accessing a sentence sequence consisting of 12 to 15 words. This sequence is referred to as a "shingle." Now, if this shingle appears anywhere else in the search engine's index, it considers it "duplicate content." When that happens, based on a combination of other parameters, a snap assessment will be made to decide which of the duplicate pages should be ranked higher.

It is imperative that the search engine results not display 10,000 duplicate pages across 10,000 different sites. If it did, the search engine wouldn't be that popular. To help clarify this, go to PRWEB.com and pick out a press release at random. Then, still at random, highlight a sentence of around 15 words and run a Google search with double quotes "USING THE 15 WORD SENTENCE LIKE THIS."

Very likely, PRWEB, having established itself as the authority when it comes to press releases, will be #1 in the results. Now, considering that there are thousands of spam sites scraping PRWEB for their content every minute of every day, it's a pretty impressive feat.

So, it's obvious that web content, and its relevance, without a doubt, are extremely important to our search engine objectives. But I don't believe it to be the most important.

           Astute readers may be wondering how Google, which is a completely automated system using artificial intelligence, could possibly have known that PRWEB is the press release authority and, in a matter of micro seconds, rank them accordingly?

The question is so brilliant that the answer might be a let down. But it is the very reason why I do not consider web content, no matter its relevance, to be the most important factor in search engine placement. One element is even greater: Back links.

A "back link" is a fairly simple concept to grasp. It's a website that your site is links to, that when the spider follows it, finds a link back to your site from. So if your website is linked by really good websites, yours will rank better.

Even the age of a domain plays a role, which is why a seasoned, well-aged domain, while appearing useless to some, is so highly sought after by others. Google even holds a domain registrar status so they can access any information about any domain at any time. Even information not made available to the public.

So, while it might seem questionable as to whether Google can use such data to influence their search result, the best guess is that of course they do. So a domain with proper registration information, which is a few years old, would probably rank better than a newer domain, based on age to determine relevance over all the other parameters involved.

So, how can we sum this all up?

1. The more back links you have coming into your site, the more
relevant it will appear to the search engines.

2. Furthermore, the more back links to your site from similarly
themed websites,
the more relevant your website is to the search
engines compared to point 1.

3. Finally, the more back links from similarly themed websites with
tremendous notoriety, the more relevant your site will be to the
search engines compared to point 2.

In the BlackHat world, we must generate a lot of readable, yet constantly unique content every day. It is not an easy task, but there are a lot of weapons we can use to assist us in our mission.

Markov Chain

Markov Chain algorithm can be utilized to superficially generate very "real-looking" content, given just one seed document. This means that if you feed it a text-string, it will instantly be returned as a completely rewritten article, yet will still be reasonably readable. This is of supreme value to us because that's just what we want: unique content! By throwing a bunch of text into the Markov Chain algorithm, we will get just that. Usually the Markov Chain algorithm is used to generate hundreds of articles on the fly using only one established article as the seed.

Peter Bray's Markov Engine is one of its kind content generator that uses this algorithm and brought content generation beyond what you can imagine. It is very user friendly and you just need to give it some seed document and templates, and it will immediately generate the pages out containing unique and readable contents in matter of seconds!

Cloaking and Doorway Pages

Cloaking is a technique wherein the page that the search engine spiders crawl through is different from the one we display to actual human visitors. To achieve this, we must either detect the IP address or User Agent of the visitor requesting the page to differentiate between person and spider. So, in essence, we give the search engine exactly what it likes (i.e., lots of relevant content, rich in keywords, etc.) which most of the time is terribly messy and not even readable. But they’ll rank very well because the design specifically caters to the search engine’s preferences. But, when a human visitor comes to the site, we will simply direct them the proper pages which obviously will contain AdSense.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Keyword Selection Process

The keyword selection process will allow you to pick keywords that are both high in value and high in demand. The reason is that you may get the highest paying AdSense keywords in the world, but if there aren't enough people to access your page and click on your advertisements; you will NOT make much money at all.

Here is a word of warning before you read this section, especially if you believe yourself to be the expert in this field. The stuff I am going to put forth may look like something you have read or used in the past, but it is totally different.

For one thing, this isn't a system that will enslave you to spend all of your time working. Besides, everyone is talking about seo. For those who think this is redundant, how many of you have actually applied the techniques of the book and still don't see your site coming up in the front page of the major search engines.

Now, let's begin.

Let's assume that you are going to write an article on how to consolidate student loans. After you have laid out what you are going to write about, you open the "Black Hat AdSense Keyword Database," or your favorite listing of top paying keywords, and look for terms related to your topic.

While browsing through the database, you notice that the keywords related to student loan consolidation are way on the top of the chart. On August 13, 2006, the cost per click for "school loan consolidation" is $69.16 and college loan consolidation is $68.35. Wow! You move down the list and select a few more keywords that are not as expensive for the advertisers. (Please note that you can also use the techniques in the how to find high paying keyword with NO budget section.)

If you are an expert in search engine optimization (SEO) or keyword analysis, you can use a program such as Wordtracker to analyze the keywords that will give you the best position. However, if you don't have access to such programs, here is a simple and easy way that I call the "Black Hat Keyword Selection Process"

1. Create a spreadsheet with the following columns: Keyword, Cost per click, Overture, Estimated Demand, Number of Competition, DC Ratio

2. Put all the keywords you have chosen from the Black Hat AdSense database under the column labeled "Keyword"

3. Put down the cost per click from the Black Hat AdSense
Database under the "Cost Per Click" column

4. Go to Yahoo! Search Marketing (Overture) to find out how many

times the keyword has been searched in last month and put in under the column "Overture." (Hint: you don't need to search one by one; you can type in a generic search such as "loan consolidation" in our case.)

5. Under the "Estimated Demand" column, multiply the result from the "Overture" column by 8. (Hint: A rule of thumb is that you can get the number of searches in
Google by multiplying the Yahoo Overture result by 8)

(Note: In our example, the student loan consolidation program keyword has approximately 20,700,000 pages indexed by Google.com.)

6. Go to Google.com and search for each of the keywords, and put in under the column "Number of Competition."

7. Now, on the last column, divide the results of the "Estimated Demand" column by the "Number of Competition" column to get a Demand/Competition ratio (or simply DC Ratio).

The Demand/Competition ratio (DC Ratio) is a simple way to tell if the keyword will be profitable.

A high DC Ratio simply means the number of people searched the keyword is high (demand) and the number of web pages on the internet with the similar content is low (competition).

However, DC ratio is not the only criteria to pick a keyword; you have to use common sense on what the ACTUAL amount of estimated demand is. If the estimated demand for the keyword is low, there won't be too many people going to visit your website; even you are on the first page of search results in Google.

Hence, you would want a keyword with a high DC ratio with a high number of estimated demands.

For the purpose of our case, you have decided to use "school loan consolidation."

What are Google AdSense Keywords?

1. Google's Official Definition

According to Google, this is the official definition:

"Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money."

Copyright © 2006 Web Marketing Review (www.wm -r.com) All Rights Reserved.

So, what is AdSense? If you have been living in this century, you should probably have already seen Google Ads in a lot of websites. The example of Google AdSense advertisements below shows two different types of advertisements. Both of them are labeled as "Ads by Google."


2. Google's Criteria for Displaying Keywords

What are the criteria used by Google to display these keywords?

Here is the answer: "the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site or matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts." In other words, it is based upon the CONTENT of your website.


3. Google AdWords V.S. AdSense

Let's imagine that you want to promote your new website. One simple and fast way is to use Google AdWords. What you will do is pick a few keywords that are related to your website and put a price tag on the keywords.

You have a choice to either pay by impressions or by pay-per-click. Assuming that you are targeting the keyword "register a domain name," Google will display your ads on some of the websites participating in the Google AdSense network with content related to the keyword. It could be an article about "How to register a domain name?", or a blog entry on domain names.

Now, this is the exciting part, if any visitor of that site clicks on your ads, you will have to PAY the amount you have agreed with Google. On the other hand, if you are the owner of the site, you will be paid in accordance with Google's secret formula that nobody knows.

Search Engines and Duplicate Content

It's important to note that other sites are using these articles, and the search engines don't like what they call "duplicate content"-that is, the same information appearing on a bunch of different sites.

To prevent the search engines from seeing your article pages as duplicate content, all you have to do is put between 30% and 40% of unique content

on the page in addition to the article. This means your site's header and footer, and some extra related information.

RSS feeds are great for this. In case you don't know, an RSS feed is just a list of short articles or posts or summaries of content that appears on another web site. It's a kind of "snapshot" of what's new at a website or blog. With the great proliferation of blogs these days, and with almost every blog having an RSS feed, the world is your oyster in terms of extra content for your pages!

It's easy to find RSS feeds to use on your sites. Personally, I like MSN's RSS feed search. Just go to search.msn.com and search for "feed:[keywords]".

For example, if your site is about internet marketing, then search at MSN for "feed:internet marketing" (no quotes). Many of the RSS feeds allow you to republish them on your site. Find some that do and copy/paste those feeds onto the pages of your website. That way the pages are unique in the eyes of the search engines and your pages don't suffer from the "duplicate content penalty".

An AdSense Vocabulary Lesson

                   If you've visited any forums where people discuss AdSense, you'll see all kinds of abbreviations and hear all kinds of terms that you might not understand. Also, when you login to your AdSense account for the first time and look at the reports, you'll see a number of abbreviations as well. Here's a list of the most common ones, and a plain-english description of what they mean:

Page Impressions

When somebody goes to your website and loads a page in their web browser, Google counts that as one "page impression". That means one pair of eyes has seen one page of your site. If that same person browses around and looks at 10 pages of your site, Google counts that as 10 page impressions. So basically a page impression is just how many of your pages were looked at by people.

Page CTR

CTR stands for "click through rate". It's expressed as a percentage of the page impressions that resulted in somebody clicking one of the AdSense ads. So, for example, if you had 1,000 page impressions, and those 1,000 page impressions resulted in 100 clicks on the ads, that is a 10% Page CTR (100/1000 = 10%).

Page eCPM

eCPM stands for "effective cost per millie". "Millie" means thousand. CPM is what the old world of banner advertisements used in pricing their ads. If a site had a $10 CPM, that meant that you as an advertiser would pay $10 for every 1,000 page impressions that your ad was shown on.

With AdSense, eCPM is telling you how much you are earning (or will earn), on average, for every 1,000 page impressions. If you have a $25 eCPM, that means you are earning (or will earn) $25 in clicks for every 1,000 page impressions on your site.

Google shows you this figure so you can get an idea of how much more they are paying you than a banner advertising network will pay you. I have some sites with eCPM values as high as $300, $500, $700 and more. That means for every 1,000 page impressions I'm earning $300-$700 on those sites.


You won't see the term EPC in your Google AdSense reports, but you'll hear it a lot if you hang out on AdSense forums. EPC stands for "earnings per click", and just means how much you earn for each click.


By default, all of your page impressions and clicks are dropped into one giant bucket. By default, you have no way of knowing how much each individual site earned (if you have multiple sites), or how much each individual page earned, etc. "Channels" are Google's way of letting you break down your earnings into "sections" so you can analyze each website or each page independently to see where the money is coming from. Google only lets you have 200 channels, which is pretty lousy if you have a lot of sites or a very large site. I'll discuss how to get around that in a later section.

Ad Links (or Ad Units)

AdLinks, or Ad Units, are just another type of AdSense ad. The basic AdSense ad is a block of links with short descriptions that when a visitor clicks, you get paid. Ad Links are a little different. They show linked topics that are related to your page, and when people click on those they are then taken to a different page and presented with a list of ads. If they decide to click on one of those ads, you get paid. You can see what AdLinks look like by visiting Google's "Ad Formats" page. It shows all of the available ad formats, including Ad Links:

https://www.goog le.com/adsense/adformats

Ad Filter

Sometimes Google might decide to show ads on your page that aren't really related to your page content at all. When that happens, you have the option of going into your AdSense account and adding those sites to your Ad Filter. Google will not show ads from any site that you put in your Ad Filter. Also, if your competitor's ads show up on your pages, that's another reason to use your Ad Filter.

How to Get an AdSense Account on the First Try

If you don't already have an AdSense account, you can apply for one at: http://www.google.com/adsense/

Just click the big "Click here to Apply" button and you'll be taken through an application process. You will need to already have a decent looking website to get an account.

Yes, that's right. If you don't have a website, don't apply for an account yet. Or if your website is a personal home page or doesn't look very professional,don't apply yet-you'll probably be rejected. There is a way to almost always get an AdSense account on the first try, and it's easy to do. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Setup a blog at Blogger.com

Google doesn't usually accept free websites into their AdSense program. The exception to that rule are Blogger.com blogs. So if you don't have a website yet or have one that isn't very professional, but you want to get an AdSense account and get started, go to Blogger and create a blog on the topic you want to make money with. Choosing the best money-making topics is covered in a later section, so you might want to hold off on doing this until you've read that section.

Step 2: Make some well thought-out posts on your new blog

Twice a day for three days go to your new blog and write a good, informative post. If your blog is about model airplanes, you might discuss some of the best tools for building the airplanes, or which companies create the best quality models, etc. If your blog is about health insurance you might make posts about how to get the best insurance rates, the pros and cons of HMOs, or whatever other topics you can think of on the subject.

Get a good five or six posts on the blog over a period of three or four days, and then go apply for an AdSense account using your new blog url as the website you submit on the application.

Google loves to hand out AdSense accounts for Blogger blogs, and they will almost always accept a decent blog publisher into the program.

Here's the beautiful part: Once you have an AdSense account, you can put your AdSense code on any of your websites without Google having to approve each one. The only exceptions are adult or gambling related sites. Google doesn't allow those into the program, so do not put your AdSense code on sites like that-it could get you kicked out of the program.

Once you have an account, it's time to start building sites and making money! But before we get into that, there's a little vocabulary that you'll need to know to understand what your AdSense reports are telling you.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Google Adsense: How to Explain the Google Adsense Program to Others

We are not talking about strangers here. For the strangers that visit your site, your content will have to do all the talking for you. But for the people in your daily life, the ones you want to click on your referral button, the ones you want to read and comment on your blog; these are the ones you want to be able to enlighten about the Google Adsense program.

First, excitement breeds excitement. Get excited about your new venture and others will too. Learn everything you can about the Google Adsense program, not only will this increase your earnings, but you will be better equipped to explain the mechanics of the program to others.

Show them the money. There’s nothing like a little proof to make a believer out of someone. You do not have to wait until you’re making thousands per month, although that’s a healthy goal. But even a small deposit in your piggy bank is enough to intrigue most people. Can’t you just count those referrals now?

Google Adsense: Dos for Using the Google Adsense Program

Google Adsense is a fun and easy way to make extra money. It’s important to follow the rules though as Google is serious about the integrity of this program. Not following the rules could result in your Google Adsense account being terminated. Here are a few Dos for using the program:


Read the Terms and Conditions and Program Policies thoroughly.

Read everything you can about Google Adsense. Learn from other’s experiences and mistakes.

Learn how to optimize your site for the most enjoyable and profitable Google Adsense experience. Realize it does take some time and hard work. That’s why it is so important that you write about something you care about. Hard work is even harder if you do not like what you are doing.

Visit other sites that are benefiting from Google Adsense. Click on the ads only if you are truly interested in the product or service being advertised. Read other people’s blogs and comment on them. Only offer a comment though if it is truly sincere.

Hopefully, these helpful tips will ease you into using the program and help you avoid mistakes that could possibly cost you a lot of time or money.

Making Money with Articles: Letting Others Use Your Articles

Let others use your articles, along with your byline which will tell visitors who wrote it and how they can contact you, on their website. This will help to promote your own website and bring you in traffic through the search engine optimization and promotional efforts of others. For you this means absolutely free marketing just for writing a quick article about a subject that you are already familiar with. The more people who use your article as content as their website, the more potential traffic you will receive. These webmasters will probably be using SEO techniques, banner exchanges, and possibly even a Pay-Per-Click campaign to get visitors to their affiliate site. These are advertising methods that either take a lot of time or a lot of money and they will be absolutely free for you just because you placed your articles where others could use them. There are many places on the Internet that offer to post your article so that others may view and/or use it. My advice is to place your articles on every single one of these sites so that you can reach as many webmasters as possible.

Google AdSense Account Terminated - What Should You Do?

Once you have decided to take your marketing campaign to Google’s AdSense pay per click program, you agree to a number of rules including:

• No hidden pages. You must have a clear hierarchy and each page needs at least one link to get there.
• No broken links. If you link outside of your site, make sure you check your links often. No more than 100 links per page.
• When designing your site, create one that is helpful to a user; don’t design a page for search engines. Make sure you clearly define what your site is about.
• Your TITLE and ALT tags should be precise and descriptive.
• You need a site map to help users find what they are looking for if your menu doesn’t.
• No hidden text.
• No redirection of your site

Even if you follow all these design rules, you may still be at risk of losing your AdSense advertiser account or have temporarily been fined a penalty in the form of your ads being removed from rotation on other sites. The penalty may go away with time, but it’s best to double and triple check your site then file a re-inclusion request (instructions below.) Include in your request which changes you’ve made and that it won’t happen again.

Your competitors might have a plan that could get you banned. It’s called “click bombing” and it’s against Google’s policy.

Click bombing happens when someone, be it a competitor or not, repeatedly clicks the pay per click ad for a business in order to raise flags with Google. Google rates their ads based on relevance, so the more an ad is clicked, the more relevant it becomes, and the higher up the list it moves. This has made it very easy for business owners to move themselves up the relevance list, so Google countered this practice by red flagging any business that has a significant spike in AdSense hits. If the hits all trace back to the same IP address or addresses, the advertiser is removed for “invalid clicks”.

Finding out about this strength in Google’s search engine, sneaky competitors have started to exploit it by purposely clicking the competitions ad again and again, in order to ban the ad.

If this has happened to you, or if you’ve been banned for violation of any of the design or technological terms of your contract, you can sometimes have it overturned by contacting customer support. You can contact Google support by visiting http://www.google.com/support/bin/request.py. Make sure you type “Re-inclusion Request” in the subject of the email. Keep your request simple, short and to the point. No need to threaten Google that you’ll stop advertising with them or list how long you’ve been a customer.

It is imperative, though, that you run reports frequently and store the data outside of your Google account. This will help prove to Google that a click bombing happened should you be removed. You are not guaranteed a reversal, however. In fact, most pleas to Google to have a banned account go unheard.

If you don’t get a positive response from Google, you may want to check out some of the other pay per click programs, like Yahoo! Publisher Network or the many affiliate programs online.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Smart Trick for Attracting Higher Paying AdSense Ads

There are no guarantees in life, so I don’t guarantee that following these tips will bring you more money every time. However, I do guarantee that they will greatly increase your chances of pulling more of the top-paying AdSense ads to your site than if you don’t follow these suggestions.

Enough with the disclaimers, let’s get down to the business of making money. Google lets advertisers bid anywhere from a minimum of .05 per click right up to a whopping $100. It should be pretty obvious that you’re not going to get rich running .05 cent ads on your site, but getting a few $100 ads, or even some $10, $20, or $30 ads can’t be a bad thing, right?

Now the problem is, Google is pretty closed-mouthed about who is paying what for their ads, and there is no real way to determine which words pay the most per AdSense click.

But ah, far away in a parallel universe we find another Pay-Per-Click provider called Overture. It seems that Overture is less sensitive about releasing their top-priced words and anyone who cares to find out what web sites are paying for words and phrases can do so by simply using Overtures tattle-tale special pricing tool (http://www.pixelfast.com/overture/). And it couldn’t be easier to use. You simply type in a key word or phrase and the tool returns a list of advertisers using that word and how much they are paying. It even shows you the actual ad.

Oh what a treasure trove of wealth-grabbing results this can be if you know what can be done with that priceless information.

Consider this possibility

Any key word or phrase that’s worth big bucks on Overture is probably worth big bucks on Google as well, maybe even more, right? So try this experiment:

Enter the phrase “SEO Services” without the quotes in the Overture tool (http://www.pixelfast.com/overture/). When I entered that phrase on the day I wrote this article, I was found a company called SEO Inc. that was willing to pay $8.01 per click, followed by SEO Advantage at $8.00, and Online Web Consultants at $6.50. Other bidders appeared below them in the $3.00 range straight on down to some who wouldn’t pay more than a dime per click.

Now, if a company is willing to pay that much money for a click on Overture, it is probably willing to pay that or more on Google. Even if that particular company isn’t advertising on Google, you can be pretty sure that the same key phrase is drawing near the same bid price from other companies who do advertise on Google. So what that means is there is no way that you can possibly afford NOT to have some web pages posted somewhere that are targeted to those sweet-paying words.

All you have to do is use Overture’s pricing tool to find the highest-paying key words that are related to your site and then optimize those words to start pulling similar ads. If all goes to plan, you can perhaps double, triple, or even quadruple your AdSense revenue without needing any increase in traffic or click-through rate.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Where’s the best place to put Google Adsense Ads?

Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: “Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually improve response?” According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes.

Google’s own AdSense experts say that that there is a direct correlation between the placement of the AdSense ads and the resulting clickthrough.

When ads are placed in “content zones”, rather than in “advertising zones”, response rates on Google AdWords goes up. There are also indications showing that ads appearing on the right side of the page get clicked more than ads appearing on the left side.

Advertising analysts with degrees in human behavior and psychology have spent thousands of man-years (people-years?) studying how people read printed and Internet content and what it takes to get them to respond to ads. While some of these studies are proprietary, or are only available to anyone with $10,000 or more to spend on a copy, other studies have been made public and can be read by anyone who is interested.

Google themselves has released some relevant information which is focused directly on increasing your Google AdSense response. You can read their findings here (https://www.google.com/support/adsense/bin/static.py?page=tips.html).

Of course, all of the studies in the world aren’t worth a hill of beans if the findings don’t work on your web site. That’s why it is important to test, test and test again. Experiment with your Google AdSense placement and track the results over a period of time. Google provides response tracking tools in your AdSense control panel. Learn how to use them. As you begin to see what may be only subtle differences in response, you’ll be able to determine what works best for your particular site. But don’t get complacent. What’s working for you now might not work next month if you change your site design or content.

One of the most important factors in determining placement of your ads is the type of content that your site delivers. If you are primarily an e-commerce site, and you have a lot of pictures and ad copy for your own products competing for attention against AdSense ads, then it is going to be a particularly tough challenge getting any kind of decent Google AdSense clickthrough. It is situations like this that require very thorough testing and a lot of trial and error.

Blogs seem to have a lot of success generating high response rates to Google AdSense listings. Perhaps it’s because blog readers realize that ad revenue is the only way that their favorite blogmaster can keep the lights on, so the readers think of clicking on ads as a way to make a donation.

Regardless of what the experts say, your best bet is to tailor your Google AdSense ad placement to what your own experience shows works best for you. In the end, you’re the only expert who matters.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How to Make Money From Google Adsense

It not uncommon to hear less than stellar reviews of Google’s Adsense program. Truth be told, making money with Google Adsense is not as easy or straightforward as most people think. There is a misconception that all we have to do to laugh all the way to the bank is to publish a bunch of articles, slap some Adsense code here and there and sit down to wait for our visitors to click away.

There is much more to Adsense than that. Adsense success depends on a multitude of factors which must come together to create a “perfect storm”, among them:

1. Blog topic: A product blog about car accessories or electronic gadgets will produce ads with better revenue per click than a blog about Greek mythology or medieval hunting habits.

2. Kind of traffic: If your visitors come from highly relevant search engine queries, your Adsense click through rates will likely be higher than if your traffic is mostly repeat visitors who are already trained to avoid your ads.

3. Position of the ads: Ads placed within the content area work better than ads buried at the bottom of a navigation column. Google even goes as far as sharing with everybody this heat map that shows the areas of the page that are likely to produce the best results.

4. Color of the ads: Some people advocate blending the colors of the Adsense ads with the colors of the site, under the pretense that by making it hard to determine if something is an ad or just a regular link you will generate more clicks. Others believe that using contrast is better, since it makes the ad stand out. You can determine what works best for you after some good old fashioned trial and error.

5. Size of your blog: Obviously, the more posts you write, the more Adsense impressions you will generate. If you post once a month and your blog has only twenty entries don’t expect great results. Hard work and consistency is key to build up content to the point that it generates enough traffic.

Before you rush to start blogging and filling up your pages with Adsense ads, I recommend that you first do some reading.

Probably the best place to start is these Google Adsense Optimization Tips from Google itself.

You should also read this extremely helpful and well thought eight step tutorial by Problogger.

I also recommend these Adsense tips, tricks and secrets by Graywolf, and this forum entry by a guy in Australia who writes about how he increased his Adsense revenue from $10 to $800 per week (and even shares with us the highly optimized template he uses to generate Adsense revenue from articles).

When you’re ready to read some eBooks, you can start with Joel Comm’s What Google Never Told You About Making Money with Adsense or The Definitive Guide to Google AdSense, by William Charlwood. Both are excellent and offer detailed, how-to advice.

As a footnote, in a significant new development, Blogger.com, the free blogging platform from Google, now lets you place Adsense ads without having to apply for a separate Adsense account.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

How Google Detects Invalid Clicks - A Must Know For AdSense Publisher

A lot of Google AdSense publishers are banned from the Google AdSense program for invalid clicks. Some of these Google AdSense publishers manage to get their AdSense account reinstated. However, majority of them failed to do so. As a result, they are banned from the Google AdSense program.
Google does not reveal any specific details about invalid clicks in order to protect their proprietary clicks fraud detection technology. Hence, you would not know who is generating these clicks on your site or where these clicks come from.
If you are not getting any details of the invalid clicks from the termination letter, it may be a good idea to learn how Google defines these clicks and ways to detect them.
Google defines invalid clicks as:
• Manual clicks intended to increase publisher’s advertising

• Clicks by automated tools, robots, or other deceptive software.
So how does Google detect these clicks and how would they know which clicks are invalid? Google AdSense team uses three powerful tools to detect invalid clicks:
• Detection and Filtering Tool: Each click on an AdSense ad is monitored by Google system. Google will record the IP of each click, the time of the click, duplicate clicks and various click patterns. Google will use these factors and filter out potential invalid clicks.
• Advanced Monitoring Tool: Google uses its proprietary software to monitor clicks fraud activity. They are constantly working to improve their technology.
• The Google Team: In addition, Google has a team that uses specialized tools and techniques to examine individual case of clicks fraud. When Google system detects potentially invalid clicks, a member of this team will examines the affected account.
Despite the effort that Google put in to improve their clicks fraud detection technology, there are few innocent publishers whose AdSense account has been suspended or banned temporarily for different reasons. For example, a sudden spike in your AdSense earnings would probably raise the red flag in their system and cause your AdSense account to be suspended. If your AdSense account is suspended for invalid clicks which you did not commit, Google provides you a way to make your appeal:
A Piece of Advice
When you are making your appeal via email, you should stay calm and plan the right strategy. You should be patient when dealing with Google and most importantly you should be polite when communicating with them. You may take initiative to provide them with all the documents they need.