Thursday, March 06, 2008

AdSense The Money King Earn Maximum

Earning 5 digits income from Google AdSense per month. Is this possible? The answer is "Yes". There are some people earning 5 digits income from Google AdSense per month or some earn even more.

For example:
If we aim for 5 digits income per month from Google AdSense, we first aim for $10000.00 which is the lowest in 5 digits.

$10000.00/30days = $333.33 per day.

We will need to earn $333.33 per day to get $10000.00 per month. This is quite impossible to archieve. This is a tips from an AdSense PRO who earn 5 digits of income per month from Google AdSense. Follow it carefully:

It is very hard for us to predict how much we can earn from Google AdSense per month but we can track what is really helping our site to perform well in AdSense.

1. Visitors Response to the ads:
You will need to pick the topic you want to write very carefully. You will need to consider whether your visitors will click on the Ads showed on your site. For example: You wanted to put Ads on a Gaming site. This site will not perform well in AdSense as all the visitors to your site will tend to spend more times playing games and they probably will not even notice the Ads. So, Choose topic carefully before you start AdSense.

2. Ad format:
Ad format is important. There are some types of format that don't perform well. For example, Leaderboard and banners are not a good choice for AdSense Ads forma. This two formats are generating low earning according to statistic of Google. Large Rectangle and Skycrapper format are performing quite well. So, you can consider using these two formats in your site. You can try out different formats and track each format using channel.

3. Ad colors:
Sometimes ads blended into the contents of your site will work very good, but sometimes ads that contrast your site colors work best. This is very depending on the layout of your site. Anyway, you can still try out different colors of Ads on your site.

4. Number of ad units on a page:
We are allowed maximum of 3 ads, 1 ad links and 2 search box on a page.

*Don't exceed the maximum number of ads per page.

6. Smartpricing:
This is a big question mark about AdSense. This is their Secret . No one really knows how Google AdSense will priced the Ads on your site. It affect the price of Ads on your site very much. Google will tend to place the higher price Ads first.

For example:
The advertiser paid for $1.00/click. If your site is smartpriced then the cost per click may be lowered by Google($0.50). This means that they pay you less for every clicks.

Here is Google's explanation of smart pricing:

Google Adsense for better Money Making

Chances are, you've heard of Google; the enormously popular search engine that everyone is using these days. But did you know that there's a way Google can help you make money? It's true; and the best part is you won't have to do very much to make it work. That's the beauty of Adsense.

Google Adsense works on the principle of passive income. In other words, you will generate income with a minimal amount of active participation on your part. Think of it this way: Instead of having to do all of the cooking and cleaning yourself, imagine if you had a robot that could do it all for you, while you sat back and watched. Adsense works in a similar way, except instead of a cleaner house you get a fatter bank account. Sounds pretty nice, doesn't it? We will show you how to make passive income work for you.

The world's richest people all understand the concept of passive income. That's how they can jet-set off to fancy parties and exotic locales while their businesses continue to flourish. They have more than just crackerjack staffs and winning ideas. They have passive income on the payroll.

Once you've invested the small amount of time to learn about Adsense and set it up, all that is left for you to do is to sit back and watch as your bank account – or PayPal balance – increases.

What is Adsense, anyway?

In a nutshell, it's a fast and easy way for a website owner to make money through the placement of Google ads on their site. Adsense takes the guesswork out of ad placement, by choosing ads that relate very closely to the content on your site. You no longer have to search for relevant ads yourself; Google Adsense does the searching for you.

Without Adsense, you would have to spend countless hours searching for different ads for each of the pages on your site. All that searching could seriously eat into your golf time! With Adsense, you will be able to concentrate on providing your site's visitors with high-quality content.

The program rewards site owners for providing web surfers with interesting content. You will generate an income stream from your website or blog just by participating in the program. Some site owners have earned monthly incomes in the thousands of dollars! Even if your initial incomes are small, Adsense has the potential to earn your site a very comfortable second income stream. You'll even earn while you sleep! And if you own more than one site, the earning potential is just that much greater!

The way it works is this:

Google Adsense compensates the affiliate on a pay-per-click basis. Each time an ad is clicked, the advertiser pays Google a certain amount. After they have deducted their amount, Google will forward you the rest, usually on a monthly schedule. Do you want to earn money while you travel the world, play with your kids or simply take time out for yourself? That can be a reality with Adsense. With a simple set up and some tried-and-true strategies for taking full advantage of the program, you will soon see the dollars rolling in. So relax, put your feet up, and let Adsense work for you.